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Do you know how AMAZING you are?  If you answered this question with a resounding “YES” – FANTASTIC!  Own that Amazing-ness!

If your response to this question was … a blank look (‘what ARE you talking about – I don’t understand the question’) … or … a feeling of shyness or embarrassment (because you were taught that Singing Your Own Praises was ‘wrong’) … or … some degree of thinking you ‘might’ be Amazing … then let’s think about this and see if we can Upgrade.

Being Amazing is simply a JOY-filled State of Awareness.  You can interchange the term “amazing” with “incredible” or “fantastic” or “brilliant” or “awesome”, or some incredibly fantastic and brilliantly awesome combination of terms.

Tapping into this JOY-filled State of Awareness is also simple.  Take a moment and think about your life to this point.  Watch where your thoughts take you.  If they go to all the crappy stuff, that’s ok and pretty normal.  Redirect.  Redirect your thoughts to the Good Stuff.

Think about WHAT you have done, today … and last week … and last year.  Think about the basic action steps you took:  Organised Meals, Cleaned House, Did Washing, Had a Shower.  Think about what you did for Someone Else: took the neighbour to pick up their car from being serviced, picked up someone else’s kids from school, bought a work colleague coffee, organised a birthday celebration for a dear friend.  Think about the bigger things like saving for a house, making cold calls to clients, teaching your kids to drive, getting your University Degree.

These are your SUCCESSES.  These are the Ingredients which create the AMAZING YOU.  This is where You Took Action, Made A Difference, and Achieved a Positive Outcome.

Questions to Ask Self:

  • Where else have I “achieved” something?
  • Do I relate to the word “Amazing”? Do I need to change it to something I resonate with more?  (You’re allowed to do this – it’s what Successful People do.)
  • If I was to imagine Being AMAZING (or whatever word of equal value you chose) what would it FEEL like? What would my life LOOK like?

Strategies for Discovering the AMAZING YOU:

  • Create a SUCCESS LIST. Choose an area of your life or a period in your lifetime and write every success you can think of.  Pay careful attention to the Little Things and to the ‘less obvious’ things.
  • Commit to creating a SUCCESS List for other areas in your life and life’s journey. Continue building that “Amazing” mindset.
  • Create a “100 Lifetime Successes” List and display it somewhere you can see it all the time. Again, this is feeding the “Amazing” mindset with continuous positive energy.
  • Write a Success List FOR THE FUTURE – write it as if it has already happened. Notice how AMAZING you feel, in advance!


(c) JOYFUL WARRIORS Guidebook pp.21-23