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Let’s talk plainly and directly.  You are an Awesome Human.  Your presence makes the world a Much Better Place.  You Add Value.  You Are Amazing.

How good does it feel to hear that?

Now, read it out loud.  Imagine that you are saying it to a friend.

How good does it feel to SAY that?

The point of this message, today, is two-fold:  1. The Importance of Communicating in an Empowered Manner, and 2. The Importance of Finding Your Tribe.

It’s easy to talk to people in your normal places: school, the coffee shop, workplace, local shopping areas, neighbours.   It can be challenging to find people who Talk Your Language, though.  I know that over the years I have had a lot of people say to me “I’m lonely” and “I don’t know anyone who thinks like me”.  Sound familiar?

The easiest way to find people who enJOY the things you enJOY is to talk about what you LOVE, all the time!   Every time you have an opportunity to talk about your loves and your passions and what excites you, you give the person you are talking to the opportunity to do the same.  And, Hey Presto!  Suddenly you find someone who LOVES the same things You Love!

You have more than likely experienced one of ‘those’ conversations where time seems to fly and you realise after an hour and a half that you really must go … and you leave totally energised!  THIS is You Talking Turkey – speaking about YOUR truth and YOUR passion and YOUR JOY, with someone speaking Their Truth, Passion and JOY.   It’s like a meeting of the minds, a cosmic event, something which leaves you feeling on top of the world.  This is an example of you Being Authentic.

When you find people you can talk with so easily, get their details.  Make a date to catch up again.  Consider that this person is the first person in your tribe.  *One thing to remember about Tribes – they can, and often do, change.  You are connecting right now because the energy you share is in alignment.  It is perfectly acceptable to Change Tribes if the energy changes.

Go forth, today, and practise Speaking Your Truth, Passion and JOY.  See What Happens.


(c) JOYFUL WARRIORS Guidebook pp.120-122