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Being true to the concept of Being a JOYful Warrior is hard work, even when you know how to do it and have been doing it for ages!

There are some basic questions that guide us on this path and the main one involves asking yourself, firstly, “Am I Happy?”  And, secondly, “What Makes Me Happy?”

The more understanding you have of what happiness means to you and how it makes you feel, the easier it is to find and follow the Path of the JOYful Warrior.

Questions to Ask Self:

  • When I am Happy, what does it feel like?
  • Am I really truly Happy?
  • Is there something which will make me Happier?

Strategies to Explore:

  • Go on a Treasure Hunt. Give your Treasure Hunt a specific focus, eg. “Happiness”.  Make a commitment to go on a Happiness Hunt for a set period of time, like 7 days.  Seek out what it is that makes you Happy.
  • Getting to a Better Feeling Place. This is a strategy which probably works more obviously when you are feeling heavy, uninspired or lacking in enthusiasm, but it can also work really well when you feel good.  Acknowledge where you are at Right Now and then Ask Yourself: “What would make me feel BETTER?”  If you’re feeling Good, then Ask Yourself: “How Can I feel GREAT?”

*Something to note:  Feeling Sad to Feeling Better is meant to be a Small Step Process – do something SMALL which helps you to feel a Little Bit better.   It might be the day where you just need to own your sadness and treat yourself with care and comfort.  Alternatively, it might be a day where you need to take action and DO something proactive.