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Keeping the Medicine Wheel Layout Insights Fresh

Now that you’ve created your Medicine Wheel, what do you do with it?

There are a few options:

– I have a photo of mine set up as wallpaper on my laptop. That way I know where to find it at all times.

– Most people who have done this layout take a photo of it (usually standing on a chair to get enough height!) and keep it on their phones. They then have quick and easy access to the Oracle Card Wisdom when they need it.

– I take photos of each of the cards and recreate the Wheel on cardboard. Being a small poster size, there is room to add any insights or thoughts alongside the card image … and it’s up in my room where I see it all the time!

– Another option is to spend some time, after creating your Medicine Wheel, writing about each card message in your journal. This is effective because you can check in each month and see what you have written – especially helpful if you write some goals and action steps to take which allow a richer/deeper experience with the theme for the month.

Michelle Eades

Author Michelle Eades

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